Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Research: Music video remake

Example - kickstart bar9 remix

^ Above is the original video which we have tried to copy. We chose to do this music video because firstly we like the song and how not many people had heard this remix before, and secondly we liked the story it told through out the video, i feel the main factor of influence for my other group members was the fighting as they seemed to really enjoy that part of the filming.

^ Above is our remake of the music video. It is a narrative music video because it has no performance linking into the video. The song is quite upbeat so tested our different ways of filming to incorporate different techniques into it, however it wasn't too challenging as there was no lip sinking in it which would have pushed our skills from AS media more as we have never done it before.
When comparing the 2 videos we thought we had done a reasonably good job with what we had available to us, we also tried to get in a range of shots and angles as well as following the story. When simply watching our remake some people might not understand the narrative within the music video so watching the real video first is a good comparison.

Here are some screen shots from our video:

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