Question 2- How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
When combining our ancillary texts with our main product we tried to keep a constant intertextual reference flowing through out. We found this relatively easy as our chosen genre of acoustic pop is majoritivly solo artists which are also musicians so any images of the singer would have the running theme of a guitar through out.
Due to the fact our image on our advert was not done in the same way or manner as the digipak images we added a very small image of the front cover of our digipak t link the images together in that way.
A key aspect of making a good digipak and advert is making it simple, with not too much going on all at once ensuring there is a key focal point and something to draw in your focus.
With our advert being in grey scale we thought we should keep this running through to our digipak, however we thought that by making the digipak front and back into greyscale would not make it stand out, with this in mind we made the front and back in colour and made the inside of the digipak into grey scale to keep some relation with the advert.
By using a image from our day of filming as the key image on the advert this immediately relates the advert to the video.
We also kept the mise en scene similar through out, keeping tom in layed back smart casual clothing within the images on the digipak, advert and video.
Question 3- What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Our process or recieving feedback started when we first approached our target audience with our hand drawn designs of the digipak and advert, the videos of which can be found earlier on in my blog. We were able to process their opinions and incorporate their ideas into our further drafting of our products. All of the people we asked were within our target age range and were of mixed gender, many of which were media students or simply music fans so had a basic understanding for music and music videos. Most of the target audience were able to desifer the genre of music for themselevs when watching the video or viewing the advert and digipak.
Question 4- How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
When initially researching into a song choice i used my itunes to research my own library of songs to see whether i immediately had any specific type of song genre i wanted to make our video on. Once we had chosen the genre of acoustic pop i researched into it further, using the internet, through google and places like youtube to give me a basic idea of how the acoustic pop genre is portrayed. I also looked into adverts and digipaks using google again however i also went into some music stores and looked at some of the album artwork. For the adverts i went into my local large magazine store and looked through some music magazines to gain an idea of how and what acoustic pop genre adverts were like. Making my mood board helped me incorporate all the ideas and different views on the acoustic pop genre into one big picture that displayed the difference and similarities that the genre contains. I also deconstructed 2 music videos and 2 adverts to research into the generic features of the acoustic pop genre through out different mediums.
I started by making storyboards of my ideas of shots through out the video to different parts in the music, i then scanned these onto my computer to allow me to make them into an animatic which i made on imovie to give a greater idea of how we cold apply the different shots to the music. When recording the target audience feedback to our hand drawn advert drafts and digipak we used a full HD Panasonic camcorder and a jessops tripod to record our audience response which we then put together on imovie. When planning our shooting we used the BBC website for weather updates on our scheduled day of filming, we also made use of google maps allowing us the most direct route to our destination. When creating our final advert and digipak drafts i used publisher to create them and windows photo editor to manipulate the images which i wanted to used within my ancillary texts.
When filming out music video we used a full HD Panasonic camera and a jessops tripod. All of our editing was done on Apple imovie.
For our evaluation we used the same camera and tripod that we used when filming the target audience feedback and music video. We used imovie to piece together the main bits we wanted to mention through out our evaluation of whether our products challenge the forms and conventions of real product, we used pictures of out final ancillary texts in the video and clips from our music video. We added our voices over the top of the clips or images to explain why and how we had done what we did.